AML Policy of the 1xBet India

1xBet India has a good reputation for taking action against illegal activities. The bookmaker makes every effort to combat international terrorism, as well as money laundering:

  • Informs competent authorities about terrorist financing;
  • Blocks funds in the gambler’s account associated with illegal activities;
  • Performs actions according to the AML policy.

All these responses from the betting company help to prevent the penetration of criminal capital into the country’s state economy.

Money and Anti-Money Laundering

Money laundering (ML) is the process of legalizing funds obtained by criminal means as a result of illegal activities. Criminals try to launder money by hiding the source of the money, changing its form, or moving them to another location, that does not attract attention. 

The concept of ML includes the next stages:

  • Concealing information about the real source and the location;
  • Possession of property obtained as a result of illegal activity;
  • Assisting persons involved in crime;
  • Conversion or transfer of property obtained by criminal means.

Anti-money laundering (AML) is a term, that describes legal regulations, which require regulated organizations to prevent, detect, and define money laundering transactions.

There are several key international standards and recommendations to combat money laundering:

  • FATF Recommendations, developed by the international agency, that sets standards in this area (suspicious transaction reporting);
  • EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives;
  • Regulations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (recommendations for banks on risk management);
  • United Nations resolutions.

These standards form the basis for national anti-money laundering legislation and regulation in many countries around the world.

The bookmaker company 1xBet makes every effort to help international organizations in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

User Agreement Terms

In the process of opening an account on the official website of the bookmaker 1xBet, players agree to the following conditions:

  • Compliance with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations, including the AML Policy;
  • Confirmation, that there is no general information or suspicion about the funds used to make the deposit which may be related to illegal activity;
  • Providing the info, that was requested by the betting company to comply with anti-money laundering regulations.

Bookmaker 1xBet stores user IDs and all changes, that have been made to the account. The company also monitors all suspicious activity of players.  If 1xBet India has grounds for a transaction that is related to criminal activity, then the bookmaker has the right to block the player at any time.

Identity Verification Procedures

Due diligence checks depend on the profile of the players and the level of risk they pose to 1xBet India. If suspicious actions occur, the bookmaker will flag the corresponding user and then monitor the risks. The player’s place of work and the value of the house in which the user lives are also checked.

AML The company performs player verification depending on the risk level. 1xBet has the right to take the following actions:

  • Request for general information to confirm your account;
  • Recording all data, as well as confirmation methods and results of verification procedures;
  • Verification of the player’s data against the list of suspects;
  • The user’s data is full name, residential address, and date of birth;
  • Request for sources of funds that the player wanted to deposit into his account.

Data confirmation process

To verify and confirm the accuracy of all provided data, 1xBet has the right to request the following documents:

  • User ID or passport;
  • Receipt for payment of utilities to confirm your residential address;
  • Copies of documents.

If players refuse a request to provide data, the betting company will conduct an independent check if there are suspicious activities on the account.

Suspicious Activity

Some actions arouse suspicion from the bookmaker and then require verification. For example, suspicious transactions and player profiles, whose deposits differ from other generally accepted elements. Suspicion may also be raised by numerous deposits from different sources, and many other minor transactions. Depending on the results of the verification, a decision is made on behalf of the 1xBet company in favor of the user concerning whom this procedure was carried out.